The articles below are listed by date of publication.



Culture and Conflicts over Prejudice and Discrimination

By Kenneth Cloke published in Opinion Sur. (October 2017)

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Talking Constructively is the Only Way Forward

By Kenneth Cloke published in The Scotsman newspaper, Edinburgh Scotland. (September 2017)

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Strengthening the United Nations: Toward a Conflict Revolution

By Ken Cloke published in ACResolution magazine.  (September 2016)

Politics and Values in Mediation: The Chinese Experience

By Ken Cloke (2013), published in The Dance of Opposites (Good Media Press)

Conflict, Climate Change, And Environmental Catastrophe:
How Mediators Can Help Save The Planet

By Kenneth Cloke (April 2011)

Mediation and Meditation: The Deeper Middle Way

By Ken Cloke (March 2009)

Bringing Oxytocin Into The Room:
Notes On The Neurophysiology Of Conflict

By Ken Cloke (January 2009)

Building Bridges Between Psychology and Conflict Resolution: 
Implications for Mediator Learning

By Kenneth Cloke (October, 2008)

Thoughts on Mediation, Barack Obama and Our Political Future

By Ken Cloke (May, 2008)

A Mediator Looks At Elections

By Ken Cloke (January, 2008)

Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom: Toward a Holistic, Pluralistic, Eclectic Style of Mediation.

Published in the Family Mediation Quarterly (2007)

Mediators Without Borders:
A Proposal to Resolve Political Conflicts

By Ken Cloke (2005)

Mediating Evil, War, and Terrorism: The Politics of Conflict

By Ken Cloke (2004)

Article from”We require improved understanding, not only of the conflict in politics, but the politics in conflict. As our world shrinks and our problems can no longer be solved except internationally, we need ways of revealing, even in seemingly ordinary, interpersonal conflicts, the larger issues that connect us across boundaries, and methods for resolving political conflicts that are sweeping, strategic, interest-based, and transformational. A clear, unambiguous reason for doing so occurred on September 11, 2001.”

The Vibrations of Conflict

by Ken Cloke (2003) 

Abstract from “Each style of music evokes a different set of emotions, memories, and spiritual or energetic responses. Can we then use rhythms of speech to elicit sadness, anger, or fear? Can we counter these dusky tempos with lighter, upbeat rhythms in order to elicit joy, affection, or courage? What are the qualities of vibration that impart these special, substantive meanings? What, for example, is the vibratory quality of a sincere apology as opposed to an insincere one? And how do we know the difference between them?”

Risky Conflict Resolution

by Ken Cloke and Joan Goldsmith (2002)
Excerpt from the Art of Waking People Up,
Published on

Abstract from “Taking a risky approach to conflict resolution allows both sides to discover newer and deeper levels of understanding, improve their skills and relationships and find better solutions than either side thought possible. For these reasons, conflict is a valuable personal and organizational resource and a powerful source of learning, development and growth.”

Some Questions to Consider in Responding to Terrorism

By Ken Cloke (October 2001)

Abstract from
"How easy it is to kill someone you don’t have to mourn because you never dared to imagine him alive." This is the essence of terrorism, but it is also the essence of war. Indeed, isn’t terrorism simply a form of warfare directed at civilians? Isn’t every war, regardless of its’ declared military aims, an assault on innocent civilians?”

Removing The Masks In Mediation

By Ken Cloke (2000)

Abstract from
“Most people in conflict strike a variety of poses or "acts." These melodramatic affectations are highly effective in capturing other people's attention. None, however, describe who they really are, or allow others to see them as multi-faceted, complex individuals. In this way, each pose keeps them locked in conflict. Mediating dangerously means helping them drop the pose and cut out the act.”

Date Rape: The Limits Of Mediation

By Ken Cloke (1988)

Shared Custody -- A Case Study in Mediation

By Ken Cloke (1988)

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